lesson 9 a cold welcome精典讲解最新.ppt

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lesson 9 a cold welcome精典讲解最新

被动语态 Huang killed Wang Huang ate Wang Huang beat wang Huang kills Wang Huang will kill Wang She cleans the room Wang picks up a small apple Huang is cutting his hand Huang is washing his feet Huang is washing his face Huang kissed Wang Huang is eating broccoli Huang will follow Wang Huang hits Wang every day 1、校报 2、 用水浇花 3、 喝汤 4、 洗衣服 5、 去看电影 6、 后天 7、去购物 8、寄宿家庭 9、捎个口信 10、一个书房 11、做某事有困难 12、工作的越来越努力 13、迟早 14、堆雪人 15、今天天气怎么样 16、今天天气怎么样 17、祝你好运 18、去购物(两种) 四看 read watch look see 起来 sound look feel taste smell wish人to do hope to do sth another other the other other+名复 描述人性格的形容词+to do happy sure careful confident wild rude polite mean kind go doing==do some doing family home house Lu has two sons, but he wants to have ______ three. Lu has two ears, one is big,_____is small. some boys are reading, _______boys are playing with Xuan Huang has more than 80 kids. some are good ._____ are bad. wish you good luck wish you a good day wish you success wish you a good body sandy stony leafy nosy hairy healthy fatty foggy salty 1、 post邮政 2、 office办公室 3、 post office邮局 4、 police警察 5、 police station警察局 6、 hotel旅店;酒店 7、 restaurant餐馆 8、 bank银行 9、 hospital医院 10、street大街 11、pay付费 12、pay phone付费电话 13、near在……附近 14、across过;穿过 15、across from在……对面 17、in front of在……前面 18、behind在……后面 19、town镇;市镇 20、around到处;大约 21、north北;北方;北方的 22、along沿着 23、go along沿着(这条街)走 24、turn转向;翻 25、right向右边;右边 26、left向左边;左边 27、turn right向右、左转 28、crossing十字路口 29、neighborhood街区;街坊 30、spend花(时间、钱等) 31、spend time花时间 32、climb爬 33、road路 34、often时常;常常 35、air空气 36、sunshine阳光 37、free免费的 38、enjoy享受;喜爱 39、enjoy reading喜欢阅读 40、easily容易地 41、money钱 1、沿。。。走 2、在。。。对面 3、过马路 4、过桥 5、走过一家银行 6、走过红绿灯 7、左右拐 8、第二个十字路口,第二个拐弯处 * The twins ___________(wash) the clothes now. Look! He ________ (play) basketball over there. Listen! ______ Sally _______(sing)? are washing is


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