Performance Management and Public Service (绩效管理和公共服务).pdf

Performance Management and Public Service (绩效管理和公共服务).pdf

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Performance Management and Public Service (绩效管理和公共服务)

Performance Management and Public Service Improvement Evidence Review Prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery Rhys Andrews January 2014 PPIW Report No.3 The Public Policy Institute for Wales The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) helps to improve policy-making and delivery by providing Ministers with access to independent expert advice which draws on rigorous research and evidence. An independent body funded by the Welsh Government, the Institute works directly with Ministers to:  Determine what evidence they need  Identify sources of relevant evidence and expertise  Commission bespoke analysis and advice from policy experts, and  Advise on the content of the Welsh Government’s research programme. The Institute commissions advice and analysis from experts on behalf of ministers. The views which experts express are their own. This report and the information contained within it are the copyright of the Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, and are licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence [.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2]. For further information visit our website at .uk The Author Rhys Andrews is Professor of Public Management in Cardiff Business School. Contact details: Email: Phone: 02920 874198. 1 Summary This evidence review has been prepared for the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. It draws together research from around the world


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