PENTURNERS CORNER By Scott Greaves and (斯科特油渣和PENTURNERS角落).pdf

PENTURNERS CORNER By Scott Greaves and (斯科特油渣和PENTURNERS角落).pdf

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PENTURNERS CORNER By Scott Greaves and (斯科特油渣和PENTURNERS角落)

PENTURNERS CORNER By Scott Greaves and Don Ward I am going to try something a little different in my column this month, but I promise I will only do it just this once! I want to introduce Don Ward, whose article on turning the Pentel Pencil appears below. Don is an old friend who is also one of the best penturners I know. He has perfected the techniques that many penturners take for granted, and then has written about them to share his knowledge with the whole community. Don wrote the definitive article on the CA/BLO finish. He was one of the first people on board when we started up the International Association of Penturners (IAP), and he has been a constant source of good information there since. Don is a member of the Pen Maker’s Guild, and has demonstrated penturning on numerous occasions, most recently at the SWAT Symposium. On top of all that he is a nice guy, and he is committed to spreading the word about penturning to all who are interested! So why the nice long introduction? Because Don will be taking over this column after this installment, then I can spend more time actually turning pens! The Pentel Pencil By Don Ward I have wanted to make one of these Pentel pencils for a long time. I even bought the special dedicated drill bit from Craft Supplies USA, which has been discontinued now for a couple of years. Pentel makes what many consider the “Gold Standard” of inexpensive, reliable mechanical pencils. The nice thing for us penturners is that the Pentel can be disassembled in a few seconds, and the mechanism inserted into a fine hand-turned barrel of our choice. A custom Pentel pencil is the perfect marriage of proven commercial reliability and the beauty of hand-turned art. Here is how it’s done! The Pentel Pencil Revisited By Don Ward I am continuously trying to find the not so us


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