Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844. mormonismin (瑙沃解释者,1844年6月7日。).pdf

Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844. mormonismin (瑙沃解释者,1844年6月7日。).pdf

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Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844. mormonismin (瑙沃解释者,1844年6月7日。)

Nauvoo Expositor NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, JUNE 7, 1844. W e give th is week to th e follow ing P ream ble, his atribut es [sic]. It speaks a language which is heard Resolutions and Affidavits, of the Seceders from the amidst th e roar of A rt ill ery , as w ell as in th e sil enc e Chu rch at N au vo o.-- T he r equ est i s compli ed with of m idn igh t: i t spe ak s a language understood by the on a ccount o f their deemin g it very imp ortant t hat inca rcer ated spirit , as wel l as he w ho is u nfettered the pu bl ic sh ou ld k no w th e tr ue c au se of t h eir and free ; yet to those who w ill not see, it is dark, diss entin g, as all manner of falsehood is spread my steriou s, and secret as th e grave. abroad in rel ati on to th e sch ism in th e C hu rch . In W e bel ieve that all men, professing to be the our subsequent numbers several affidavits will be ministers of God, should k e ep steadily in view, the published, to sub stantia te t he facts alleged. Hereafter, honor and glory of God, the salvation of souls, and no further Church proc eedings will appear in our the am eli or ati on of man s condition: and among col um ns, e x ce p t in t he fo rm of b r i e f their cardinal virtues ought to be found those of communications.--ED. faith, hope, vir t ue and charity; but with Joseph Smith, and many other o fficial characters in the Pr


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