Natural bone grafting and boneconserving (自然骨移植和boneconserving).pdf

Natural bone grafting and boneconserving (自然骨移植和boneconserving).pdf

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Natural bone grafting and boneconserving (自然骨移植和boneconserving)

Natural bone grafting and bone-conserving implant site preparation 3 Augmentation with FRIOS® A successful implant restoration requires a stable foundation. In many cases, the implant placement must be accompanied by the buildup of missing bone. Only a sufficiently dimensioned and vital osseous base will ensure the unimpaired osseointegration of the implants and functional and esthetic long-term results. With the clinically proven FRIOS® products, you are the best equipped – for a gentle and effective augmentation and the formation of new, stable bone. … harvest autogenous bone For many practitioners, autogenous bone is the material of choice. For simplified removal of bone, FRIOS® places the right instruments in your hands. Whether a bone block or bone chips: you are well-prepared for every clinical situation. …surgical unit and instruments With the FRIOS® Unit S/i, the hand motor and the specially adapted FRIOS® handpieces and contra-angle handpieces, DENTSPLY Implants presents a team, perfectly coordinated in function and handling – simple to use and reliable in


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