Light Rail Vehicle Request for Proposals (RFP) (轻轨车辆请求(RFP)建议).doc

Light Rail Vehicle Request for Proposals (RFP) (轻轨车辆请求(RFP)建议).doc

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Light Rail Vehicle Request for Proposals (RFP) (轻轨车辆请求(RFP)建议)

American Public Transportation Association 1666 K Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20006-1215 July 25, 2011 Light Rail Vehicle Request for Proposals (RFP) Procurement Guideline Abstract: This document outlines a request for proposals for a light rail vehicle procurement Contract. Keywords: light rail vehicle (LRV), request for proposals (RFP) Overview: Many industries have standard forms of contracts and technical specifications for the acquisition of goods and services. Buyers and sellers in those industries become familiar and comfortable with those forms. The goal of creating a common method of contracting and specifying technical requirements enables participants to focus, when necessary, on negotiating only those issues for which a departure from the accepted norm is necessary or desirable. This approach will save considerable time and effort for the parties to a particular transaction. It also permits new provisions or evolving best practices to be efficiently incorporated into the standard Contract for that industry and in a manner designed to benefit the industry as a whole. Finally, standardization leads to consistency of interpretation that is expected to reduce the number of Contract disputes, resulting in better prices for both the public and private sectors. Introduction This document outlines a request for proposals (RFP) for a light rail vehicle (LRV) procurement. The document was developed by the APTA Procurement Terms and Conditions Working Group and the APTA Light Rail Vehicle Technical Specification Working Group for use by transit agencies. An RFP is generally used when the scope of work or specification is less well defined and/or there is a need to evaluate the proposals qualitatively when price may be a secondary factor in the evaluation. In addition, this type of procurement may be used in cases where the vehicle involves “emerging” technology or there is a requirement to discuss warranty provisions or design considerations. At the conclusion


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