Integrated Vehicle Fluids A Combined (综合车辆的液体的总和).pdf

Integrated Vehicle Fluids A Combined (综合车辆的液体的总和).pdf

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Integrated Vehicle Fluids A Combined (综合车辆的液体的总和)

Integrated Vehicle Fluids A Combined Propulsion Power System for Long Duration Spaceflight 14 April 2012 Frank Zegler Copyright © 2011 United Launch Alliance, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Status Quo for In-Space Vehicles Independent power, attitude control, pressurization vent systems – Discrete hardware with redundancy where tolerable for reliability • Separate storage for hydrazine, helium, hydrogen, oxygen – Independent, additive mass margins for working fluids – Individually optimized systems meet strictly bounded mission designs • Short duration, highly predictable engine burn times, duration number – Minimal tolerance for hardware malfunction •• Design focus on making hardware perfect elaborateDesign focus on making hardware perfect elaborate testing to assure it testing to assure it • Redundancy often compromises system function – Complex, safety-compromised, built-on-the-vehicle designs • Extensive installation labor, functional testing at top assembly • Hazardous ultra high pressure gases, toxic propellants, pyrotechnics – Require extensive engineering oversight • Tight margins demand elaborate mission analyses • Direct operational experience with flight hardware limited to brief acceptance tests Architecture Assessment Dry mass roughly 15-20% of total vehicle – Scales directly with vehicle size, mission duration Brittle, point-designs with limited growth capability Much technology shared with no other industry – Hypergolic fluid loading, storage delivery systems


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