Aluminum Metallurgy UFL MAE(铝冶金 UFL美).pdf

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Aluminum Metallurgy UFL MAE(铝冶金 UFL美)

Help Log-in Site News Home | About Us | Services | Publications | Links | Contact Us | Accreditation | Q A Forums Print This Document Back again for installment #5 of the Omega Update! This past summer we began our series on Metallurgy, dealing with Steel Metallurgy. Since the science of Metallurgy is broad and quite detailed we elected to break our Metallurgy Update series into two parts. This way not only can we cover the subject of Metallurgy better, but also possibly not bore those out there who maybe concentrate their business in either metallic plating or aluminum processing. (All past issues of the Omega Update can be found on our web site noted on page 8 or actual hard copies can be requested by calling us at Omega.) As we learned in Update # 4 on Steel Metallurgy, physical metallurgy is the science that relates structure to properties. By structure we mean the internal atomic arrangement. As discussed before, all metals naturally occurring in the universe are crystalline in nature. Crystals are ordered structures; an arrangement of the atoms in certain geometric shapes or positions, very similar in nature to minerals found in the field of geology. Aluminum and its alloys differ from steel alloys. Steels are allotropic in form meaning that they can exist in many different crystal structures depending on chemistry and also temperature. Aluminum is different. It is not allotropic it exists only in the crystal phase known as face centered cubic (FCC). It was


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