《舌尖上的郑大》强势来袭 - zhengzhou university.doc

《舌尖上的郑大》强势来袭 - zhengzhou university.doc

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《舌尖上的郑大》强势来袭 - zhengzhou university

A bite in Zhengzhou University A bite in China might make your mouth watering !?Various type of foods from Henan, Hunan, Guangdong to?Fujian, and Shandong; numerous ways of cooking from frying, baking, steaming, and?stewing; delicacy in different stage of cooking from material selection, to cutting, heating, seasoning, and serving in plate, each dish is not just a temptation! There is such a saying about canteen food: Canteen food, is the food made by the cafeteria, widely distributed in the country, the level is uneven. Most of them are expensive, ugly, and dull and far from “delicious and tasty”. But whether they are delicious or wonderful creative, are our college youth with unforgettable memories. But the fact is that: canteen meals can also be tasty, delicate, and luxury, at least in ZZU. Zhengzhou University Canteens Locate in the Lotus Park, Willow Park, Juyuan Park, and Songyuan Park, all four residential areas. Canteen provides a complete variety of Chinese food as well as international food. There are hundreds of dishes. In University canteen, almost every guy from all over the country can eat their own home cooking. Stop watering your mouth, let’s look at the food of ZZU and enjoy the “A bite of ZZU”! ★ 荷园餐厅 ★★●【荷园一餐厅·鸡腿卤肉饭】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Rice with Chicken leg and braised pork ●【荷园一餐厅·沙拉鸡排饭】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Chicken Rice Salad ●【荷园一餐厅·黑胡椒鸡排饭】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Black Pepper Chicken Rice ●【荷园一餐厅·炖菜】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Stewed Ratatouille ●【荷园一餐厅·炖菜】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Fried and Steamed stuffed bun ●【荷园一餐厅·福建万里香馄饨王】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Miles fragrant wonton the most impressive snacks in Fujian, with green onion, in clear soup. ●兰州牛肉拉面Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Hand-Pulled Noodle with Beef Soup ●黄焖鸡米饭Lotus Garden Restaurant ● Braised chicken Steamed Rice ●【荷园二餐厅·特色山西饼】Lotus Garden Restaurant ● pancake, or pancake roll The golden egg cake, pancake, or pancake roll, with slightly yellow cake and green onion, black ses


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