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术后恢复体会 肌力:可有明显增加,手的精细动作改善。有报道十年病史的肌肉萎缩也有手术的价值。 皮肤感觉:有明显改善,但是不能完全恢复。“麻”可消失,“木”可能会残留。 提示:需要降低患者期望值! 值得继续关注的问题 前置术后滑脱:对手术疗效影响未必很大? 轻度肘管综合症:局部封闭治疗的效果? 中度以下的肘管综合症是否需要前置? 神经内囊肿文献 Boston 1994年 1例Compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow in association with synovial cysts 奥地利1例1999 Sonographic Diagnosis of Recurrent Ulnar Nerve Compression by Ganglion Cysts . the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine ? J Ultrasound Med 18:433–436, 1999 阿曼苏丹2000 ganglion cyst of the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel 加拿大1例神经内囊肿 2003 Compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow by an intraneural ganglion.J Clin Neurosci. 2003 Mar;10(2):245-8. 土耳其1例2005 Ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy due to extraneural ganglia at the elbow(Turkish) Journal of Neurological Sciences 2005, Volume 22, Number 1, Page(s) 079-083 上海1例Microsurgical principles related to excision of intraneural ganglion at the elbow 希腊2007 Ulnar Nerve Compression in the Cubital Tunnel by an Epineural Ganglion: A Case Report Loukas A. Boursinos Christos G. Dimitriou Department of Orthopaedics, General University Hospital Hippokration, 54642 Thessaloniki, Greece 2010山西基层医院 前臂腱鞘囊肿致尺神经卡压12例 合并囊肿的发病率 elbow ganglia originating from ulnahumeral joint is reported as a rare cause 3, 8, 14. Its prevalence患病率 is reported as 3 to 8 % for cubital tunnel syndrome patients in the literature ?zgür TA?KAPILIO?LU , Ahmet BEKAR , M. Erim KüR?AT , Ulviye . Ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy due to extraneural ganglia at the elbow: A case report Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 2005, Volume 22, Number 1, Page(s) 079-083 北海道的数据 472例病人的大样本研究 Medial elbow ganglion was the third most common causative factor associated with cubital tunnel syndrome, with an overall prevalence of 8% Kato H, Hirayama T, Minami A, Iwasaki N, Hirachi K. Cubital tunnel syndrome associated with medial elbow ganglia and osteoartritis of the elbow. J Bone and Joint Surg 2002; 84(8): 1413-1419 腱鞘囊肿是诱发CuTS的重要因素, B超应该做为术前诊断的常规检查 肘管综合症 囊肿 阳性率 B超组 34 12 (7例术中证


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