Producing and Delivering a MOOC on Pattern (生产和交付一个蕴藏在模式).pdf

Producing and Delivering a MOOC on Pattern (生产和交付一个蕴藏在模式).pdf

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Producing and Delivering a MOOC on Pattern (生产和交付一个蕴藏在模式)

Producing and Delivering a MOOC on Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture for Concurrent and Networked Software Douglas C. Schmidt and Zach McCormick Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Nashville, Tennessee Abstract The MOOC we taught on the Coursera platform was called “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture for Concurrent and Net- A massive open online course (MOOC) is a web-based class en- worked Software,” which we refer to as the POSA MOOC (see vironment aimed at large-scale global participation and open ac- cess via the Internet. MOOCs are also a disruptive trend chang- for access to this material). ing how education is delivered and funded throughout the world. This MOOC showed by example how applying object-oriented pat- In the spring of 2013, we developed and taught Vanderbilt’s first terns and frameworks can help to alleviate many accidental and in- MOOC, entitled “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture for Con- herent complexities associated with developing and deploying con- current and Networked Software” (known as the POSA MOOC). current and network software. The patterns and frameworks cov- This ten-week MOOC was an amalgamation of several courses on ered in this MOOC have been used successfully in many domains, software design and programming taken by 600 undergraduate including telecom and datacom, mobile devices, electronic medical and graduate student


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