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北京翻译研修学院 2012-2013学年第二学期期末考试 年级:____________专业:________________姓名: ____________ 成绩:_________________ 空乘英语(B卷) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分 一.英译汉:(20) Assign him a window seat Round-trip ticket Book a vegetarian meal Terminal building Concierge service Baggage allowance Fragile items in the bags Boarding pass Start check-in 3 hours before departure Unaccompanied Minor 二.汉译英:(20分) 登机牌 托运行李 航站楼 无糖可乐 免税店 预定 安检 问候斯密斯一家 排队 办理登机手续 三.Writing an announcement: (20) 四.阅读理解: 26~30题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。(每题2分,共10分) Hi, Sharon, I’ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I’ve already been here for a year? There’s so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don抰 have to find somewhere else to live. I抦 going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly. I cannot believe that I抳e been here for a whole year. And I must start packing too ?I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I抣l give some things to charity shops I think. Anyway, I抦 really writing to say that I抣l be back in Shanghai on the 27 April, and it would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. I抣l phone as soon as I get back. How are things with you? Love Xiaoyan 26.牋牋牋 When will Xiaoyan leave England? A.牋牋 A month later.牋牋牋?B.牋?10 days later.牋牋牋牋 C.牋?A year later. 27.牋牋牋 Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out? A.牋牋牋?She will stay in her friends?place. B.牋牋牋?She will be on the plane to Shanghai. C.牋牋 She will have to find a hotel to live in. 28.牋牋牋 What will happen to Franco抯 flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out? A.牋牋牋?It will be sold at a good price. B.牋牋牋?It will be rented to other people. C.牋牋牋?It will be kept for Xiaoyan when she comes back. 29.牋牋牋 Why does Xiaoy


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