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广州英语五年级下module4综合复习 第一课时 Step 1: Homework-checking 作业总体完成情况总结: 出错点总结: Step 2: Review 把下列单词进行归类。 large fever canteen eleven ill fat pool thousand sick garden hundred____________________________ cold______________________________ thin______________________________ classroom__________________________ 根据提示写单词。 tall (反义词) big(比较级) you(形容词性物主代词) study(三单) take(现在分词) her(名词性物主代词) three(序数词) good(比较级) head(病症) their(主格) 翻译词组。 You look pale. I’d be glad to. my former teacher begin classes take medicine 你最好 醒来 穿衣服 练习弹钢琴 比我大两岁 选择最佳答案。 Look ,this is ____ dress. A.me B.my C. mine There are _____ in our school than yours. A.many B.more C.much 3.Shall we go climbing this morning ?_____ A.All right . B.That’s nothing . C.You are right. 4.___ classroom is big ,but ___ is smaller. A.His my; B.His ,yours C.He, your 5.She ___ ill after school. A,feels B.feel C.feeling 6.What language do you speak ?________ A.Chinese B.China C.Chinas 第二课时 Step 1:Module 4 ——Wild Animals Unit 10????? What Are the Biggest Animals in the World? Are elephants (最大的动物) in the world,Miss White? No. (蓝鲸)are the biggest animals in the world. Elephants are the biggest animals(在陆地上) . (哪一个更大呢) ,a blue whale or (一只恐龙) ? A blue whale is (大过) a dinosaur, I think. A blue whale can be (超过30米长) and (重过150吨) . What do whales eat? Well, some whales have teeth and eat large animals. Some whales (没有牙齿) and ea


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