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2017考研英语拓展阅读:宇宙射线对大脑有害来源:智阅网考研英语阅读能力提升需要不断地积累练习,通过阅读来积累词汇量,提升阅读速度和理解能力。暑期强化复习,阅读强度要加大,我们继续分享一些有关政治、经济、文化、生活、体育、科技等方面的文章,大家要多多拓展。下面一篇文章是关于宇宙射线对大脑有害——火星移民获难成行。Astronauts going to Mars could face brain damage, study warns  研究表明:宇宙射线大脑有害——火星移民获难成行  Going to Mars could be bad for astronauts’ brains, a new study using rodents has found.  一项关于啮齿动物的实验发现,前往火星可能会对宇航员的大脑造成损害。  While the Earth’s magnetosphere mostly protects people on this planet from cosmic radiation, any trailblazers on a long-distance trek to Mars would have to contend with the harmful radiation of space. To study this, researchers exposed rodents to charged particles and then analyzed the results. They found that, among other issues, the rodents had brain damage, neural inflammation, and impaired memory.  尽管地球的大气层可以最大限度地遮挡住宇宙射线,但是宇航员在前往火星的漫长旅途中将不得不暴露在有害的辐射之下。研究者将老鼠放置在充电粒子周围,结果发现实验鼠出现了大脑受损、神经系统发炎和记忆受损等症状。  This is not positive news for astronauts deployed on a two-to-three-year round trip to Mars, Charles Limoli, a professor of radiation oncology at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, said in a statement. The space environment poses unique hazards to astronauts. Exposure to these particles can lead to a range of potential central nervous system complications that can occur during and persist long after actual space travel - such as various performance decrements, memory deficits, anxiety, depression and impaired decision-making.”  “对于两三年内经常在地球和火星之间往返的宇航员来说,这可不是什么好消息,”加州大学欧文分校医学院的放射肿瘤学教授查理斯·利莫里表示“宇航员在太空中会受到特殊的伤害,如果长期暴露在粒子辐射下,神经系统可能会出现包括身体多项机能下降、记忆缺陷、焦虑、抑郁和决策能力受损在内的并发症,还会留下持续时间极长的后遗症。”  The scientists also found that radiation could lead to more anxiety, as the rodents had their sense of “fear extinction” affected. Since fear extinction tamps down fear associated with past events, if that process isn’t working properly, then the astronauts could feel more fear.  科学家们还发现,实验鼠因射线的作用变得越来越焦虑,受到了“恐惧消退”机能的影响。恐惧消退将人们过去的恐惧深埋心底,如果这一过程出现问题,宇航员会感受到更多的恐惧。  Deficits in fear extinction could make you p


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