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第 14 卷第 6 期         钢 铁 研 究 学 报 Vol. 14 ,No. 6 2002 年 12 月             JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH  Dec. 2002 连铸中间包内钢水夹杂物运动行为的数学模拟 赵连刚 ,  刘  坤 (鞍山科技大学材料科学与工程学院 , 辽宁 鞍山 114002) 摘  要 :在连铸中间包中钢水流动、混合及停留状况仿真计算的基础上 ,通过对中间包钢水中夹杂 物运动行为的数学模拟 ,研究探讨了夹杂物碰撞长大、上浮排除以及被耐火材料墙壁粘结吸附等现 象。结果发现 : 中间包钢水中夹杂物的排除与钢水平均停留时间有密切关系 ,其中上浮排除的夹杂 物约占排除总量的 90 % 。另外 ,大颗粒夹杂物比小颗粒夹杂物容易排除 ,而且夹杂物能够在钢水 流经中间包过程中长大 ,但中间包钢水流动所提供的湍动条件对夹杂物长大的促进作用不充分。 关键词 :连铸 ; 中间包;夹杂物 ;数学模型 中图分类号: TF704. 7   文献标识码 :A   文章编号 (2002) Study on Inclusion Behavior in Tundish during Continuous Casting by Mathematical Model ZHAO Liangang ,  L IU Kun (Anshan University of Science and Technology , Anshan 114002 , China) Abstract :Based on mathematical simulation of fluid flow , mixing and residence of molten steel in tundish during continuous casting , the growth of inclusion caused by particle collisions and the removal of inclu sion floating to top slag as well as the adsorption to refractory wall were investigated by mathematical modeling. It was found that the removal of inclusions from molten steel is greatly correlative to the aver age resident time of molten steel and 90 % of inclusions removed in tundish are realized by floating to top slag. Otherwise , the bigger particle is removed faster than smaller one , and all inclusions tend to grow up. The turbulence of molten steel in tundish , which could be considered as the main “driving force ”of


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