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30# 2 隧道建设 V o.l 30# No. 2 # 2010 4 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Tunnel C on struction # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Ap r. # 2010 1 2 1 1 徐青, 王广宏, 牛刚 , 陈建 ( 1. 中交第二公路工程局, 西安 710065; 2. 兰渝铁路有限责任公司, 兰州730050) : , , 2, : ; ; ; ; : U 455 : B : 1672- 74 1X ( 2010) 02- 0182- 04 Selection of Construction Schem e for Connection Section between Horizontal Adit andM ain Tunnel in Soft Ground 1 2 1 1 XU Q ing , W ANG Guanghong , N U G ang , CHEN Jian ( 1. China Communica tions Second H ighw ay E ng ineering Bureau, X ian 710065, China; 2. LanzhouChongq ing Raiwl ay Co. , L td. , Lanzhou 730050, China A bstract: Regarding the construction of the connection section bewt een the horizontal ad it and the m ain tube of Liang shu i tunne l on L anzhouChongq ing raiwl ay, tw o construct ion schem es are presented and analyzed in the paper. n the end, the f irst schem e is adopted. The techn ica lm easures taken in the construct ion are described. T he construction prac tice dem onstrates that the construct ion schem e adopted is su itable for the construction of the connection section betw een the horizonta l ad it and the m ain tunne l in soft ground. K ey words: L iangshui tunne;l tunnel in soft g round; connect ion sect ion betw een ho rizon tal adit and m ain tunnel; pilot tunnel; construction schem e selection 0 346m 4 928. 34 m, , , 3 582. 34m V , 1 076m ! , , , , , , ∀ , [ 1]


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