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Invite investment 招商 Popular investment spot; hot destination for investment ; investment hot spot 投资热点 Investment infixed assets 固定资本投资 Infrastructure 基础设施 Make the economy more market-oriented 使经济进一步市场化 The globalization trend in economic development 经济发展全球化的趋势 Economic globalization 经济全球化 The joint stock system 股份制 The joint stock cooperative system 股份合作制 Who holds the controlling shares? 谁控股? Debt-to-equity swap 债转股 Economic depression(slump, recession)/economic take-off/economic boom 经济萎缩/起飞/兴旺 Curb inflation/hyperinflation 遏制通货膨胀/恶性通货膨胀 Deflation 通货紧缩 Economy of scale; scaled economy 经济规模 Slack (sluggish, sagging ,inactive) market 市场疲软 Brisk(flourishing, active)market 市场火旺 Market access 市场准入 Buyer’s/seller’s market 买方/卖方市场 Quote a price ; give a quotation 报价 Hot money from abroad 国际游资 Absorb idle fund 吸收游资 Invite tenders(bids)/submit a tender/win(get)the tender 招标/投标/中标 The system of public bidding for projects 招标投标制 Trade surplus/deficit 贸易顺差/逆差 Trade(trading)partner 贸易伙伴 Customs barrier; tariff wall 关税壁垒 Win-win result for both A and B; benefit both sides 双赢 Multi-win/multiple-win result 多赢 Annual business volume(turnover)年营业额 City Council市议会 Trust fund 信托基金 BRICs “金砖四国”(巴西,俄罗斯,印度,中国) 第一/第二/第三产业 the primary/secondary/tertiary industry(the service sector) 国内生产总值GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 举办2010年世博会 host the 2010 World Exposition (Expo) 消费者物价指数CPI(Consumer Price Index) 技术/劳动/资本/知识密集型产业 technology-intensive/ labor-intensive/ capital-intensive/ knowledge-intensive industries 经济体制改革 economic restructuring 经济市场化/私有化 the marketization /privatization of the economy 恶性循环 vicious cycle/circle 良性循环 beneficent/virtuous cycle 鼓励兼并,规范破产 encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures 公司分立与解散 separation an dissolution of a company 国家控股公司 state-controlled share company 控股公司 holding company 创业园,孵化器 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park 企业孵化器 enterprise incubator 新的经济增长点 new point of economic growth 外向型经济/城市 export-oriented economy/a foreign-oriented city ,i


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