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英语短新闻 哈登--莫以一场成败论英雄.doc

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英语短新闻 哈登--莫以一场成败论英雄.doc

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 哈登--莫以一场成败论英雄 James Harden had perhaps the worst game he has ever played in a Rockets uniform during Game 6 on Thursday. 西部半决赛第六场,对詹姆斯·哈登来说,可能是他加入火箭之后最糟糕的一战。 The Houston Rockets crashed rockily into their offseason in a brutal 114-75 defeat, and their do-everything superstar managed to do little to stop their collapse. 休斯顿火箭经历了一场惨败,他们以75-114输给了圣安东尼奥马刺队,毫无反抗地结束了他们的季后赛之旅。而他们无所不能的全明星领袖面对溃败却几乎什么都没有做。 Harden finished the game with 10 points on 2-of-11 shooting, managing only seven assists to six turnovers. He didnt attempt a field goal until halfway through the second quarter. He only had two shot attempts at halftime, and his passiveness stood out strangely in a crucial game. 哈登在本场比赛中仅11投2中,得到10分。他仅有7次助攻,却刷了6个失误。甚至,到比赛的第二节中段,他都没有尝试出手。他仅仅在中场时试着投了两次篮,在如此重要的一场比赛里,他的激情莫名其妙地消失了。 Yet it doesnt invalidate his season, and it certainly doesnt weaken his MVP case. 尽管如此,我们仍不能因为这一场比赛否定他整个赛季的出色发挥。同时,这一场比赛也不能减少他获得MVP的可能性。 Harden will be accused of that constantly in the aftermath of Game 6, a game where he was objectively terrible. 这场比赛之后,哈登可能会一直遭受指责,客观来说,他确实表现太差了。 It doesnt help that he cost the Rockets Game 5, wearing down in the overtime period and failing to score a point without Kawhi Leonard even in the game. 再加上,第五场比赛的时候,他葬送了火箭的大好局势,加时赛期间表现疲软,在卡哇伊-莱昂纳德不在场的情况下一分未得。 The past 53 minutes that Harden has played have been horrid, and recency bias is strong. But what about the other 3,264? 过去的53分钟,哈登的打得很糟糕,现在,近期效应很严重,人们过度的被他这53分钟的表现所影响,而忽略了之前的3264分钟。 In a move from shooting to point guard, Harden lit up opponents with sparkling efficiency and led the league in assists in a turbocharged Mike DAntoni offense. 从得分后卫转为组织后卫后,在麦克-德安东尼的跑轰进攻体系下,哈登的高效“亮瞎”了黑子们。 Second in the league in scoring, Harden averaged fewer than 19 field goal attempts, scoring more than 1.5 points per shot. 他的场均助攻联盟居首。他在得分榜上排名第二,而他的场均出手还不到19次,平均每次出手可以得到超过1.5分。 His turnovers broke a league record, and thats obviously not ideal, but it came within a s


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