英语短新闻 北京拆除小店铺和小企业治理城市病.docVIP

英语短新闻 北京拆除小店铺和小企业治理城市病.doc

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英语短新闻 北京拆除小店铺和小企业治理城市病.doc

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 北京拆除小店铺和小企业治理城市病 Beijing has announced plans to combat “urban diseases” by capping its population and shrinking its footprint, wreaking havoc on the small businesses and migrants that throng its bustling streets. 北京政府公布了通过为人口设置上限和缩减城市建筑面积对抗“城市病”的计划,让熙熙攘攘的北京街头上充斥的小企业和外来务工人员遭遇一片混乱。 The Chinese capital will cap its population at 23m “long-term residents” by 2020 “and keep it at that level for the long term”, a city government notice said. 一则北京市政府通知表示,这个中国的首都将把人口上限设置为到2020年以前“常住人口”在2300万人以内,之后“长期稳定控制在2300万人左右”。 The permanent population of Beijing’s central districts dropped by 353,000 last year, according to municipal data released last week. The capital’s official population is now close to 22m. 根据上周发布的市政数据,去年北京中心地带常住人口减少了35.3万人。目前,北京人口官方数据接近2200万人。 University campuses and secondary government bureaucracies are destined to move to industrial cities in Hebei, the smog-wreathed province that rings Beijing. Earlier this month the announcement that the country would build a “new Shenzhen” on rural wetlands south of Beijing set off a frenzy of property speculation. 多个大学校园和低级别政府部门已确定迁往河北省的多个工业城市。河北省是一个环绕北京的雾霾严重的省份。就在这个月早些时候,有关中国会在北京南面乡下湿地打造“新深圳”的公告,引发了一轮疯狂的房地产投机活动。 Within the capital, the campaign has translated into the destruction of small shops and businesses that make up 35 per cent of the city’s economy but only 7.5 per cent of its tax revenues, according to 2011 figures, the most recent available. 在北京城内,这场运动的表现就是拆除小店铺和小企业。根据2011年的数据(这是能获得的最近年头的数据),这些小店铺和小企业占了北京经济35%的比重,其纳税却只占北京税收的7.5%。 “China has a large population and meeting all these people’s needs is hard,” said Jack Wang, who returned from Australia to set up a sandwich shop in Beijing because he thought China offered greater opportunity. “The government is looking for a good way to develop but not really considering the interests of small businesses.” 在北京开三明治店的杰克?王(Jack Wang)表示:“中国人口众多,很难满足所有人的需求。政府正在寻找发展的好办法,却没有真正考虑小企业的利益。”杰克从澳大利亚回国,在北京开三明治店,


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