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60 2009, Vol. 30, No. 20 食品科学 ※工艺技术 草石蚕中水苏糖提取的脱色工艺研究 1 1 2 陈德经 ,韩 豪 ,郭 婷 (1.陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室,陕西汉中 723000 ;2 .陕西理工学院生物学院,陕西汉中 72300 1) 摘 要:为了解决提取草石蚕中水苏糖脱色难问题,对鲜原料分别进行直接打浆法、开水浸烫法、微波法处理, 提取后用石灰澄清、磷酸中和、臭氧脱色、柱层析脱色。结果表明:原料处理采用直接微波3min 后加水方法较 好、经臭氧处理25min 后,脱色率可达99.4% 。水苏糖提取率5.9% 、提取回收率为90.2% ,用HPLC 检测提取物 中水苏糖含量为77.5% 。 关键词:草石蚕;水苏糖;脱色;微波法 Decolorization of Stachyose Leached from Chinese Artichoke (Stachys sieboldii Miq.) Tubers 1 1 2 CHEN De-j ing ,HAN Hao ,GUO Ting (1. Bio-resources Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China ; 2. School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 72300 1, China) Abstract :Stachyose was leached from Chinese artichoke tubers by a sequence of microwave and beating treatments with the addition of water. In order to achieve high decolorization ratio, the resulting supernatant after centrifugation was subj ected to clarification with lime and phosphoric acid (for adj usting pH) and ozone treatment, followed by anion exchange adsorption. After condensation and drying, a final product with 77.5% purity was obtained, which was detected by HPLC. The decoloriza- tion ratio was as high as 99.4% when 25 min ozone treatment was conducted for decolorizing supernatant of 3 min microwave- treated Chinese artichoke tubers slurry, and the leaching yield and recovery of stachyose were 5.9% and 90.2%, respectively. Key words :Ch inese artichok e;stachyose;decolorization ;microwave 中图分类号:O636.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2


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