输电与配电系统 - HK Electric.PDF

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输电与配电系统 - HK Electric

Transmission Distribution System 輸電與配電系統 HK Electric supplies electricity to The process of transmitting electricity from Hong Kong Island and Lamma Island. the power station to the load centres is Electricity is generated at Lamma Power termed ‘transmission’, while the process for Station (LPS) and transmitted at very high distributing electricity from the load centres to voltage – 275kV and 132kV – to various load customer buildings is termed ‘distribution’. centres via the transmission system. Electricity is then distributed to customers through the distribution network at a lower voltage. Marsh Road Station Building – incorporating transmission and distribution functions all in one 集輸配電功能於一身的馬師道電站 港燈為香港島及南丫島提供電力服務。電力由南丫 透過輸送網絡以較低的電壓分配至客戶。由發電 發電廠生產後,以極高電壓 — 275千伏特及132 廠輸送電力往各負荷中心的過程統稱為「輸電」, 千伏特— 經輸電系統輸往不同的負荷中心,然後 而由負荷中心配電至客戶樓宇則稱為「配電」。 11 Transmission Power generated at LPS is transmitted to the The use of underground cables in the System major load centres on Hong Kong Island via transmission system ensures supply reliability the transmission network, which comprises even in inclement weather such as typhoon mainly 275kV and 132kV underground and and is ideal for a densely loaded area like submarine cables. At present, there are only Hong Kong. In addition to burying the cables a few 132kV overhead lines remaining in directly underground, six dedicated cable the system. In the major load centres where tunnels have also been built to house the the transmission circuit ends, lar


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