Correlational investigation of ‘Burnout’ and the perceived ‘Professional Identify by nursing stu.docVIP

Correlational investigation of ‘Burnout’ and the perceived ‘Professional Identify by nursing stu.doc

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Correlational investigation of ‘Burnout’ and the perceived ‘Professional Identify by nursing stu.doc

Correlational investigation of ‘Burnout’ and the perceived ‘Professional Identify by nursing stu   Abstract Professional identity plays an important role in undergraduates learning and development of academic ability and professional skills. The current study examined the relationship between Students Burnout and Professional Identity in undergraduates majored in nursing. The hypothesis is that the Professional Identity of nurse, as perceived by nursing students in college, influences their burnout rates. The student tested 140 undergraduate students from South Medical University, China. Results showed that: (1) The majority of nursing students displayed a medium level of perceived professional identity of nurse, and few of them displayed a high level, but none displayed a low level. The score of professional knowledge and emotion are both low. Professional skills and professional expectations received higher scores. (2) Nursing students showed a high score in Student Burnout, as characterized by depression and low personal accomplishment. However, as nursing students are a female-dominate group, in real life circumstances, young females are faced with more stress than young males; in the advent of troubles, young females are more likely to develop tension, anxiety, and other negative emotions. (3) Bivariate correlation analysis shows that there is significant negative correlation between professional identity and student burnout.   【分?号】R47-4;G642   1 对象与方法   2014年3月至4月,整群抽取南方医科大学护理学院2011级四年本科制学生140人进行调查。其中男生15人,女生125人,年龄在20~25岁,平均(22.7±0.68)岁。使用护生专业认同感量表(Questionnaire for Baccalaureate Nursing Students, QBNS)大学生学业倦怠问卷(MBI-GS修订版),有效回收率94.29%。   2 结果   护理本科生专业认同感最低分为53.00分,最高分为105.00分,条目均分为3.36±0.39,综合总均分为84.08±9.73。专业认识、专业情感得分均较低,均分都小于中间值3。专业技能、专业期望得分较高。护理本科生学业倦怠最低分为27.00分,最高分为82.00分,条目均分为2.79±0.53,综合总均分为55.84±10.63。情绪低落得分较低,行为不当得分较高。双变量相关分析显示,专业认同感和学业倦怠存在显著负相关。(r=-0.416,p=0.000)   3 讨论   根据专业认同问卷中的有序变量条目,采用Likert-5评分,专业认同感最高分105,最低分为53 。本次调查结果可以看出95.5%的人处以



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