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第 36 卷  第 9 期 西  安  交  通  大  学  学  报 Vol. 36  №9 2002 年 9 月      Sep. 2002 JOURNAL OF XI′AN J IAO TON G UN IV ERSIT Y ( ) 文章编号 :0253 - 987X 2002 09 - 0899 - 04 低速下空气横掠翅片管换热规律的数值研究 宋富强 , 屈治国 , 何雅玲 , 陶文铨 (西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 , 710049 , 西安) 摘要 : 用三维适体坐标的网格生成技术对翅片管散热器进行了低速下流动和换热的数值模拟 ,得 到了流速与换热系数的关系 , 以及不同流速下翅片管流动与换热的温度场、速度场和速度与温度梯 度的夹角场 ,并首次利用场协同原理进行了分析. 结果表明 :当流速很低时 ,速度与换热系数几乎成 线性变化 ,场的协同性很好 ;随着速度的增加 ,场的协同性变差 ,换热系数随速度增加的程度减弱. 关键词 : 翅片管散热器 ;适体坐标 ;场协同 中图分类号: T K124  文献标识码 : A Numerical Study on Heat Transfer of Air Across Finned Tube at Low Speeds Song Fu qiang , Q u Zhiguo , He Yaling , Tao Wenquan ( School of Energy and Power Engineering , Xi ′an Jiaotong University , Xi ′an 710049 , China) Abstract : Numerical methods of three dimensional grid generation with body - fitted coordinates were adopted to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer across a finned single tube at low speeds. The rela tion between mean flow velocity and the heat transfer coefficient , the velocity field , the temperature field and the angle field between velocity and temperature gradient were obtained. The results are as follows : at low velocity , the heat transfer coefficient is nearly proportional to the average velocity and velocit y and temperature gradient are in good synergy. With the increase in velocity , the degree of the synergy decreases , hence , the increase tendency of h with U also decreases. Keywords : f in radiators ; body - f itted coordinates ; f iel d syner gy   随着新型楼宇取暖用翅片管散热器的逐渐推广


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