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20 11 5 35 3 310053 : 金匮名方甘麦大枣汤 药仅三味 性皆平和 历代医家多有阐释 且为古今中医师 习用依 笔者临床运用体会 本方除在神志病方面有较好疗效外 同时亦有较好的益血养血之用 故常应用于 治疗各种本虚标实或肿瘤 一类病人 特别是肿瘤经放化疗后投用 常常能收补益心气心血之作用 : 甘麦大枣汤; 益血养血; 神志病; 肿瘤放化疗后; 金匮; 临床应用 : R22 : A :( 2011) Wellknown Formula Ganmai Date Decoction in Golden Synopsis H e Ren Zhej iang Chinese Med ical Univ er sity , H angz hou ( 3 10053 ) Abstract: T he w ellknow n f o rmula G anm ai Date Decoctio n in Go lden Synop sis h as only 3 dr ugs w it h plain natur e; m any do c to rs of g ener ation s hav e ex planation s on it and it is commo nly u sed by all doctor sU nder t he autho r s ex per ience except f o r g ood eff ect o n m ental disease it can also no ur ish bloo d so it is o ften used to t reat su ch diseases as tumor and o thers of def icient roo t and excessive super f icial espth at after chemotherapy functio ning to not ify heart Qi and bloo d Key words:Ganm ai Date D eco ct ion ; m enta l disease; no ur ish blo od ; m ental diseases; tumor chemor adiotherapy; G olden Syno psis; clinical applicat ion [ 2] : : : : 1; 2 ; 3; 4 [ 1] ; 5 ; 6; 7; 8 ; 9 : ; : 1; 2 ; ; ; 3; 4; 5 ; 6 [ 3] :


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