book7_Unit2_Vocabulary 课文概要1.ppt

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book7_Unit2_Vocabulary 课文概要1

Unit 2 Robots industrial robots household robots entertainment robots science fiction Narration Argumentative writing Expository writing desire it was originally written by the writer. Para1 satisfaction guaranteed to one’s satisfaction experiment with 小型企业都急于试用计算机。 Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers. test out Para 2 be absent (from) persuade sb that…/to do sth allow sb to do allow sb doing alarmed/frightened/anxious alarming adj more like a human than a machine. his facial expression Para 3 On the second morning embarrassed embarrassing adj embarrassment n it was disturbing 令人不安的 and frightening that he looked so human. Para 4 it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot feel/have sympathy for sb sympathize one’s social position Para 5 a pile of books or rather with wonder reach for his hand was amazed by his fingernail absurd adj Para 6 be rude to sb ring sb up turn around there stood GC by the amused and surprised look on her face have an affair after all Para 7 weep (wept, wept) with anger in her armchair fall (fell, fallen) off a ladder manage to do in time hold (held, held) sb in his arms Para 9 strike (struck, struck/stricken) eight the guests would be arriving soon. at that moment fold one’s arms around sb cry out declare that he ..the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. disappear from sight Para 10 be impressed by sb whisper to sb Para 11 leave … alone drive up A car drove up and he got in.一辆汽车开来,他上了车。 take …away Para 12 be pleased with protect a human being from harm prevent sb from doing sense of failure there was no risk to … have sb doing允许,容忍 I can’t have you smoking at your age. We can’t have you running up and down all day long. fall in love with sb It is not enough to have ________ for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them show their valuable role in society. A.talent  B.satisfaction  C.sympathy elegant  优雅的,高雅的 an elegant vase 别致的花


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