book7unit5 reading 优质课件概要1.ppt

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book7unit5 reading 优质课件概要1

Read to answer para. 5 1.what are the benefits of the reparation course? 2.As far as the tutor is concerned,what is Xie Lei could not do and what is she supposed to do? 1)As far as the tutor is concerned,Xie Lei could not ___________________________. 2)Instead, she should ________a lot and ______what she has read , Then in her essay,________ her own opinion,and _______ it by _______ to other authors. It would be better to ______the author she’d read. to learn how to ____________________ ______________ of western universities 2. to become a more ____________learner. 1)As far as the tutor is concerned, Xie Lei could not write what other people had said without acknowledging them, which would be considered to be cheating/copying. Read to answer para. 5 Read to answer para. 5 2)She should ________a lot and ______what she has read ,then, ____________ ,________ her own opinion,and _______ it by _______ to other authors. It would be better to ______the author she’d read. read analyse referring give in her essay contradict explain Read to answer para. 6 para5. 1. How does Xie Lei feel now? 2.Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs? Because she thinks it’s important to have a balance between study and a social life, and she wants to make new friends. She feels much more at home now. Things seemed quite strange before appears normal now. Read to answer para 7 1.Where do you think this article may come from ? a newspaper 2.What does the new enterprise refer to? to participate in more social activities and make some new friends to find balance between sdudy and social activities Summary Difficulties: To get a new way of life. To understand and be understood easily. To meet the western academic requirements To keep balance between study and social life Helping factors in her preparation year: Host family ;tutor; preparation course;herself Summary Changes of Xie lei: numb w


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