book4unit1 语言点概要1.ppt

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book4unit1 语言点概要1

offensive 这支进攻的军队很快地赢得了阵地。 The offensive troops gained ground quickly. My neighbor is really an offensive person. He always plays the piano deep into the night. an offensive odor/ gesture/ weapons. an offensive remark; Offensive—offend; defensive--defend thanks to because of Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school. 由于他们不知疲倦的努力,演出非常成功。 Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success. reckon: be reckoned with: be taken into consideration / account I reckon that we’ll arrive at the airport at noon. She was reckoned as/to be the prettiest girl in our class. The rent is reckoned from next Monday. He is an opponent to be reckoned with. toll the number of people or animals killed or injured in particular circumstances The death toll rose from 270 last year to 5,000 in this year. money paid for the use of a bridge, road, etc. Each car must pay a toll to cross the bridge. Levy/impose/charge a ~ on sb toll take a heavy toll 造成重大伤亡(或损失) The earthquake took a heavy toll on several villages. take a/its toll (on sb./sth.) 造成损失(或危害、伤亡等) The flood took a toll of 3,000,000 lives. His frequent overwork has taken its toll on his stomach. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms. Formal training will take at least 3 years in the case of interior decoration. In the case of as far as…is concerned In the case of a physical change, no new substance is formed. Now you try: 就物理变化而言,没有新的物质产生. 1.The work is not very profitable in terms of money, but I am getting valuable experience from it. 2.It is rather hot for February. 3.She cant hold a candle to her mother as far as cooking is concerned. 4.Most people like summer, but as for me, I like winter much better. 5. In point of size, no land animal can compare with an elephant. In the case of as far as…is concerned launch (Para.2): v. start; send (sth.) on its course


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