Book2视听说教程2 Unit5概要1.ppt

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Book2视听说教程2 Unit5概要1

Does Your Best friend have Four legs Unit 5 Let’s learn names of some animals What are they? 猫 cat 公猫 tomcat 母猫 tabby 小猫咪 kitten 狗 dog 母狗 bitch 小狗 puppy 虎(雄虎)tiger 雌虎 tigress 小老虎 tigerkin 公鸡 rooster 母鸡 hen 小鸡 chick 孔雀 peafowl 雄孔雀 peacock 雌孔雀 peahen 鹿 deer 雄鹿 buck 雌鹿 doe 马horse 公马 stone-horse 母马mare 小马驹 colt / foal 牛 cattle 公牛 bull / ox 母牛 cow 小牛 calf 绵羊 sheep 公羊 ram 母羊 ewe 小羊 lamb 鹅(雌鹅)goose 雄鹅 gander 小鹅 gosling 猪 pig 公猪 boar 母猪 sow 小猪 piglet 猿 ape 黑猩猩 chimpanzee 大猩猩 gorilla 驴 donkey 袋鼠 kangaroo 兔 rabbit 松鼠 squirrel 热带鱼 tropical fish 龟 tortoise 海龟 turtle 猫头鹰 owl 麻雀 sparrow 燕 swallow 1. Oral Practice: Describing an animal The animal you will describe should be among those on the PPT. Pretend you were the animal and use the first person. Do not reveal the animal’s name, but try your best to describe all its characteristics. paw 爪子 beak 喙,鸟嘴 feather 羽毛 wing 翅膀 fur 皮毛 shell 壳 horn 角 tail 尾巴 scale 鳞 fierce 凶猛的 ferocious 残忍的 docile 温顺的 tame 驯服的 honest 诚实的 faithful 忠诚的 lazy 懒惰的 hardworking 勤劳的 cunning 狡猾的 crafty 狡诈的 cute 可爱的 dainty 优雅迷人的 dignified 高贵的 awkward 笨拙的 clumsy 不灵活的 swift 灵活的 I am white/fat/clever/small/dirty… I have a peak/four legs/two wings... I like/enjoy eating/living… I often play with… I have a habit of …. People love/hate/don’t know me…very much(well)


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