book4 unit3词汇概要1.ppt

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book4 unit3词汇概要1

* * * * ——Shelley David Wilkins(1972) : Without grammar very little can be conveyed(表达), without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Guess the meaning of the underlined words 1. I wish him good luck, but u_________ he didn’t pass the exam. 2. He has everything he wants so he is c_____ with his life. 3. He is so h________ that he always makes us laughing all day. 4. Although there are many difficulties, we have confidence to o_________ them. 5. Success is what we all hope for, therefore, no one wants to be a f______. unfortunately content humorous overcome failure 6.She didn’t believe me. Can you c_______ her of my honesty. 7. The girl who won the scholarship was o________. 8. Yuan Longping was invited to travel t________ the World circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice. 9. I’m b____ to do the same thing everyday. 10. The news a_________ everyone. convince outstanding throughout bored astonished Write down the words according to the meanings 厌烦的 ——— 笑声 ______ n.享受 ———— 失败者 ——— 使信服 ——— 满意的 ———— 使惊诧 ——— 战胜 ——— 迷人的 ———— 使欢乐 ——— 幸运的 ——— 突出的 ________ outstanding fortunate entertain charming overcome astonish content convince failure enjoyment laughter bored Example: humor 派生:humorous humorless humorist 近义:funny interesting amusing comic entertaining 反义:serious 其他:laugh happy joke performer 1 2 3 4 5 0 humor perform astonish enjoy bore charm entertain fail fortune content homeless laughter 1. adj.幸运的;吉利的→ 幸运地 → n.运气;财富→ n.不幸 2. n.幽默;滑稽→ adj.滑稽的;幽默的 → n.诙谐之人;幽默作家 3. v. 执行;表演→ n. 表演者;演出者 → n.执行;演出 4.使欢乐;款待→ → adj.愉快的;有趣的 5. vt.使信服→ adj.令人信服的 → adj.坚信不移的 6.


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