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LIST Childhood Father of Microsoft The richest man in the world Retired In1965, Gates ,9-year-old In1966, Gates In1969, Gates与Paul Allen And it was during that time Bill found that his interests lying in writing programs and began to write programs at 13. Way to Giant Motivation:to make everyone has a PC on the table 1997年,盖茨与老对手史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)“一笑泯恩仇”,并结束了与苹果长时间的争执。 1999年,美国特纳电视网络(TNT)制作发行了一部名为《硅谷海盗》(Pirates of Silicon Valley)的电影,影片主要讲述了盖茨和乔布斯两人的创业经历。其中盖茨由安东尼·迈克尔·霍尔(Anthony Michael Hall)扮演,乔布斯由诺亚·怀尔(Noah Wyle)扮演。 The richest man in the world! ------Bill Gates Not only be the leader of Microsoft,he also is the giant of fortune! 每秒赚$67.5 每天赚$583.2万 每年赚$21.3亿 His fortunates are just like a legend and he is the man who ranks first for 13 years in 《Forbes》! 比尔·盖茨的住宅位于美国西雅图的华盛顿湖畔. 是美国除白宫之外最受瞩目的名人宅邸。该宅邸占地面积约6600平方米,堪称当今智能家居的经典之作。 该宅邸有24个浴室、6个厨房、7套睡房、1座图书馆、1个宴会厅,还有一片养殖着鲑鱼的人工湖。 its so amzing······ 比尔盖茨豪宅 比尔盖茨豪宅 Jun 27 2008 retired devote money(donated 98%) and energy(with wife) to the charity For microsoft, I think I can‘t be in the way.Someone can make it mybe he can do better.Although it isnt perfect now. For charity,I believe its my duty and I have the ability to help poor areas . Gates and his wife 2005年,盖茨夫妇到印度访问。 微软在印度设有软件开发业务,盖茨基金会则为该国该国预防艾滋病工作积极捐款。 Gramophone :Bill in peoples eyes Thank you ! Dr.KAI-FU LEE The reason that I admire Bills most is not how rich he is but  his  morality that always be  modest with the users. apple's Ex-CEO Steve Paul Jobs He d eserves  the biggest honor and  respect. Superstock owner Warren Buffett He will be the best even he  sells hamburgers not software. NO.1 * * * * * * * * The Eyes Of The World Bill Gates Bill Gates was born on Oct, 28 in 1955 and grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a teacher. Bill Gates had his elementary school and


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