BEC higher module 7高级商务英语概要1.ppt

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BEC higher module 7高级商务英语概要1

MODULE 7 Managing people MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 MODULE 7 Report writing Useful Expressions for Biz Report Report writing Useful Expressions for Biz Report HIGHER SUCESS WITH BEC Business Topic 7.1 Business topic: Managing people 7.2 Business skills: Report writing 7.3 Exam spotlight: Reading test 1. Managing qualities 2. strengths and weaknesses 3. Managing consultants 4. A report on employee training Contents delegate longitude spot managerial people skills natural communicator yes-man tunnal vision control freak disorganized 授权,把...委托给别人 经度 发现,认出 管理人员的 社交技能 天生交际能手 没有条理的 应声虫 井底之蛙的眼光 控制狂人 sales forecasting 销售预测 regular staff 正式职工 man v. executive board 为...配备人手, 操纵 执行董事会 VOCABULARY: dress up buzzword overseas subsidary external consultant jargon empower diversify contractor outsource value chain 修饰, 添油加醋的说 时髦词语 海外子公司 外单位顾问 行话 授权给... 价值链 多种经营 承包商 承包给外公司 management concept 管理理念 practice 经常做法 sweet-talk implement 花言巧语 贯彻,执行 VOCABULARY: day-to-day operation 日常经营 core competence 核心竞争力 expressions open a can of worms have ones best interests at heart cut corners cannot see the wood for the trees too many chiefs, not enough Indians throw money at a problem spread yourself thinly 制造更多的问题,捅马蜂窝 把某人的利益放在第一位 抄近路,偷工减料 只见树木不见森林 官多兵少 靠钱解决问题 太分散自己精力 bite off more than you can chew 贪多嚼不烂,自不量力 Its not just about keeping busy, its about doing things which are effective and get positive results. 1. What does this quotation mean to you? Managerial qualities A bad manager confuses activity with performance. Management is nothing more than motivating other people. I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly you kill it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it. If you want to manage somebody, manage yourself. Do that well and


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