B7 unit3 writing投诉信概要1.ppt

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B7 unit3 writing投诉信概要1

Basic writing Complaining letter 投诉、抱怨类的信件也是考试常常涉及到的内容,一般是当自己的正常生活受到骚扰、自己的利益受到侵害或当社会规范有失规范时,用来表达不满情绪和提出批评。 所有的投诉信都有一个共同点,就是最终是要收信人解决问题,所以需要提出解决方案。 注意: 如果题目中没有给出解决方案,那么就要根据投诉内容中的不满提出自己的解决方案。 Do you know how to write a letter of complaint and how to organize the article? 一般情况下,可以按照下面的思路行文: a.抱怨投诉行为 b.投诉内容具体描述 c.要求弥补纠正赔偿 d. 对被投诉人的敦促或威胁 抱怨投诉行为: Im writing to complain about/that ... I’m writing to make a complaint about…… I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems that... Much to my regret, I write this to place a complaint against ... Here’s the problem… 投诉内容具体描述: First of all, secondly, thirdly.... I felt really angry about.. I find it difficult to... to be honest, I am not prepared to put up with... 要求弥补纠正赔偿: I think it is high time that you should.... It would be very kind (considerate) of you to… I would appreciate it very much if you could... Would you please ... We ask you to take steps to ... 对被投诉人的敦促或威胁: I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible. I hope you can ... and give me a face-to-face apology. If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I will ... I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation, I will be forced to take legal action. I have sent a copy of this letter to my lawyer.? 【写作内容】 你的邻居王先生的女儿总是在晚上练习钢琴,制造噪音 。请写一封抱怨信给王先生,要求包含以下要点。 1.噪音使得你无法学习和休息; 2.傍晚比较适合练琴,要求王先生把练琴时间安排到傍晚; 3.请王先生马上改善状况,否则将不得不 采取法律行动。 【实例剖析:】 【写作分析】通过认真审题,确定如下写作要点: 文体:应用文 人称: 根据内容可确定本文人称为第一人称 时态:一般现在时 要点:写作内容已有 1).你的邻居王先生的女儿总是在晚上练习钢琴,制造噪音。complain about ,practice the piano I’m writing to complain about the noise which is made by your daughter while she is practicing the piano at night. 2).噪音使得你无法学习和休息find it difficult to,have a rest; I find it difficult to concentrate on my study and I can’t have a good rest at all. 3).傍晚比较适合练琴,要求王先生把练琴时间安排到傍晚 ;rearrange I would appreciate it very much if you rearrange the practicing time. I think the evening could be a better time for your daughter’s practice. 4).请王先生马上改善状况


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