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ⅠWords and phrases 1. terrify v. 使惊恐,使受惊吓→____________adj.恐惧的,害怕的→__________ adj. 令人恐惧的→____________n.恐怖→__________n.恐怖分子 2. disgust v.使觉得恶心;使厌烦→________ adj.令人厌烦的→________ adj.恶心的 3. emotion n.感情;情绪→(同义词)____________→____________adj.易动感情的 4. refuse v.拒绝→____________n.拒绝 5. breathe v.呼吸→_________n.呼吸→_________ adj.气喘吁吁的;上气不接下气的 6. fear n.害怕,恐惧→_________v.害怕,担忧→__________adj.担心的,可怕的→___________adj.不怕的,大胆的 7. benefit n.v.好处,有益;受益→____________ adj.有益的,有用的 8. resist v.抵抗→___________ n.抵抗 9. analyse v.分析→___________n.分析;分析结果 10. violence n. 暴力→___________adj.暴力的 terrified terrifying terror terrorist disgusting disgusted feeling emotional refusal breath breathless fear fearful fearless beneficial resistance analysis violent terrorist 1. His attitude amounts to ________ or not allowing. 2. I was a little _________and my heartbeat was fast 3. A good diet is _____________ to health. 4. They collect blood samples for ____________ at a national laboratory. 5. Braveness and diligence make us _________ . 6. You know, jealousy is a really ugly __________ . 7. He was ____________ that a British minister could have behaved so disgracefully. 8. Police cleared the noisy demonstrators, who offered no ___________ . 9. ?One American was killed and three were wounded in _________ attacks. refusal breathless beneficial analysis fearless emotion disgusted resistance terrorist ⅡThe use of key words 1. contrast v. n. 对照;与……形成对比 contrast ...with/and ...对比……和…… contrast with ...与……形成对照;与……形成对比 in contrast with/to 和……成对比 by contrast 通过对比 make a contrast with 与……形成对比 1) Her actions ______________________________________. 她的行动和承诺形成了鲜明的。对比 2) His white hair was _______________________________________他的白头发与他的年龄形成了鲜明的对比。 EX. ①Don’t you think the new building _____ _____ _____ with those old houses?你不觉得这栋新楼跟那些旧房子形成反差了吗? ②The visitors were wealthy and dressed neatly, contrasting sharply ______ the poverty-stricken area. 来访者很富有,穿着整齐,与这贫困地区形成了强烈的反差。 co


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