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Then why was I so stressed out? 那我为什么会感到如此备受压力呢? 本句中的stressed out常拼作stressed-out,是个复合形容词,意思是“备受压力的”。 College Survival Notes Solving my stressful problem took a different turn once I’d identified the true culprit. 我一旦确定了问题的真正原因,我压力重的问题解决起来就大不一样了。 本句中的once是个连接词,意思是“一旦”,引导后面的从句;turn的意思是“改变,转变”,与动词take搭配构成常用的短语。又如: His illness took a favorable turn. My life took a new turn. College Survival Notes 他的病情有了好转。 我的生活出现了新的转机。 Trying to figure out why I had a stressful situation on my hands called for some mental gymnastics. 要琢磨出我为何身陷一个压力重的局面需要做一些智力训练。 从语法上来说,Trying to figure out why I had a stressful situation on my hands是动名词短语,做整个句子的主语;called for是动词短语做谓语,意思是“需要”;some mental gymnastics是宾语,这里的mental gymnastics是比喻,其实就是“心理分析”。其中的figure out意思是“琢 磨出”,又如: I cannot figure out what he is driving at. College Survival Notes 我琢磨不出他究竟想干什么。 on one’s hands意思是“需要负责”,又如: She hasa large family on her hands. call for意思是“需要”,又如: The situation calls for our immediate attention. College Survival Notes 她有一大群子女要照顾。 这局面需要我们立刻予以关注。 2) In the eyes of Norman, only should be regarded as the cause of what we are or have. A) our environment B) our family C) our mental power Comprehension of the Text Exercises Comprehension of the Text D) we 3) The word “lousy” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______. A) lazy B) unimportant C) silly Comprehension of the Text Exercises Comprehension of the Text D) bad 4) For Norman, which of the following statements about problems is NOT true? A) Problems are actually a sign of life. C) Problems are nothing to be afraid of. D) Problems are not necessarily something negative. Comprehension of the Text Exercises Comprehension of the Text B) Problems should be removed as quickly as possible. 5) The author has frequently used Norman’s story in his presentations __________. A) to show his close relationship with Norman B) to show how silly some people sometimes are C) to show he knows many of Norman’s stories C


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