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Word Pretest What’s climate? Text I Structure Part 1 (Para1-2): The pace of progress on climate change is still too slow. Part 2 (Para3-8): Two disturbing trends of climate negotiations are expressed. Part 3 (Para9-13): Negotiations on global climate agreements are critically important. What are the two disturbing trends? 1. the impacts of climate change 2. the world’s ongoing dependence on fossil fuels The Kyoto Protocol (Line 6) 京都协定书 The Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in December 1997 at the city of Kyoto, Japan and came into force February 16th, 2005. “The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to the year 1990. The goal is to lower overall emissions from six greenhouse gases.” United Nations Environment Program Greenhouse gas (Line 13) 温室气体指的是大气中能吸收地面反射的太阳辐射,并重新发射辐射的一些气体,如水蒸气、二氧化碳、大部分制冷剂等。它们的作用是使地球表面变得更暖,类似于温室截留太阳辐射,并加热温室内空气的作用。这种温室气体使地球变得更温暖的影响称为“温室效应” Greenhouse Effect 京都议定书中规定控制的6种温室气体为:二氧化碳(CO?)、甲烷(CH?)、氧化亚氮(N?O)、氢氟碳化合物(HFCs) 、全氟碳化合物(PFCs)、六氟化硫(SF6) Super Typhoon Bopha Climate Change Conferences Useful Words and expressions Unsustainable (Line 22) Displaced (Line 24) Transparency (Line 66) Accountability (Line 66) Fossil fuels Greenhouse gas emissions Please find the full names of the following organizations in Text I and translate them. NOAA 美国国家海洋和大气管理局 WB 世界银行 WRI 世界资源研究所 IEA 国际能源署/国际能源机构 Indian summer: a period of unusual warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. Haze PM2.5 Particulate Matter2.5 大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,也称为可入肺颗粒物 Particle pollution or particulate matter is another measure of pollutants in the air and is commonly stated as PM2.5 or PM10 The Heart Association estimates that in the United States alone, PM2.5 air pollution causes some 60, 000 deaths a year. Section C 1~ 5: T T F T F 6-10: T F T T T ◎tropical climates


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