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(2) 若由第二章已经求得冲激响应为 对冲激响应求傅氏正变换,得 当然,很多情况下是反向运作,用来求 的。 解:(1) 对方程两边求傅氏变换,可得 响应与激励之比,为 (3) 设 这时的响应为 , 代入原微分方程,得 三. 系统的频率特性 总称系统的频率特性 即:幅频特性是偶函数;相频特性是奇函数。 可见,系统 的频率特性与实信号的频谱密度函数的特性相类似。 但也有不相同的地方:系统带宽(不同于信号带宽)一般定义为 等于 最大值的 处的频率为 (称为半功率角频率,或截止频率或 3 分贝频率)作为系统带宽的根据。 如系统为低通滤波器时系统带宽为 等等。 由公式 可以清楚的看到:响应的 频谱取决于激励的频谱和系统的频率特性 。 Example 4.22 Consider a stable LTI system that is characterized by the differential equation Determine its impulse response. The frequency response is To determine the corresponding impulse response, we use the method of partial-fraction expansion: Thus, the impulse response is Example 4.23 Determine the output of the system in Example 4.20, and suppose that the input is In this case, the partial-fraction expansion takes the form where A11, A12, and A2 are constants to be determined. So that 例:某系统的微分方程为 试求全响应。 该系统的齐次微分方程为 零输入响应的通解为 频域分析法小结: 1.只能求零状态响应;(由傅氏变换定义,无法表示初始条件) 2.反变换有时不太容易;(如激励是 ) 故一般情况下求到 就为止了。 3.从频域的观点来看激励与响应的差异概念十分 清楚; 4.可以用代数方程代替微分方程卷积求解。 部分分式展开法注意点:需展开的分式必须是真分式。如 得 最后得 4.7 Frequency-Selective Filters Filtering: a process in which the relative amplitudes of the frequency components in a signal are changed or some frequency components are eliminated entirely. Frequency-selective filters(频选滤波器) : systems that are designed to pass some frequencies essentially undistorted and significantly attenuate or eliminate others. Types of frequency-selective filters low-pass filter (低通滤波器) high-pass filter (高通滤波器) band-pass filter(带通滤波器) band-stop filter (带阻滤波器) Ideally, the frequency responses of a low-pass filter, a high-pass filter, a band-pass filter and a band-stop filter are illustrated in the following figures, respectively: Passband (通带) H(jω) 1 –ωc 0 ωc ω Stopband Stopband (阻带) cutoff frequenc


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