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Tourism Translation 北京作为世界旅游名城,有着极为丰富的旅游资源:雄伟壮丽的天安门;金碧辉煌、气象万千的故宫;气势宏伟的万里长城;湖光山色、曲栏回廊的颐和园;建筑精巧、独具艺术风格的天坛;烟波浩渺、黛色风光的北海公园,以及建筑宏大的明代帝王陵寝—十三陵……这些举世无双、驰名中外的古代建 筑,历来是旅游者竞游之地。 Chinese Tourism Texts: 1.文化对应词 Cultural equivalence eg: 西子 Chinese Cleopatra 月老 Chinese Cupid 清明节 Chinese Easter 梁山伯与祝英台 Chinese Romeo and Juliet 鱼米之乡 Land of milk and honey 苏州/绍兴 Oriental Venice 王府井 Chinese Fifth Avenue 郑州 Chicago in China 2. 四字结构 Four-character structure 3. 中国古诗词 Ancient poems. Features of Chinese Tourism Texts: Beijing, being one of the world’s greatest cities, is full of tourist attractions. Among these are the magnificent Tiananmen Gate, the Imperial Palace, the imposing Great Wall, the scenic Summer Palace, the ingenious Temple of Heaven, the enchanted Beihai Park and the carefully laidout Ming Tombs. Unrivaled and of world renown, these ancient structures remain attractions to both domestic and ancient travelers. English Tourism Texts: 1. 客观具体 objective and concrete 2. 理性写实 rational and factual 3. 重形象轻意象 paratactic not hypotactic Features of English Tourism Texts: 1. 修辞性增译 2. 注释性增译 3. 修辞性删译 4. 拆译和组合 Skills: 1. 修辞性增译: Towers, domes, balanced rocks, and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion, and the process continues, constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden. 译文 1: 数万年风雨的冲刷侵蚀,形成了高塔、穹窿、平衡的岩石、拱门,这种进程还在继续,正不断重造这一神奇的石头花园。 译文 2: 岁月沧桑,风化雨蚀,造就了这里神奇的山体地貌:满山巨塔高耸,穹丘浑圆,“不倒翁”摇摇欲坠,“大拱门”凌空而立,奇形怪状,自然天成。大自然造物不尽, 还在不断创造新的神奇。 2. 注释性增译: 西安古称长安 Xi’an was called Chang’an, or “everlasting peace” in ancient times. 端午节那天,人人都要吃粽子。 During the Dragon Boat Festival (which falls on the fifth day the fifth lunar month), it is a common practice to eat Zongzi, which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leaves. 3. 修辞性删译: 华清池内有一贵妇池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方,唐朝诗人白居易的《长恨歌》有“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂” 的诗句。 Inside the


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