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碧波花园6#框架结构住宅楼 20XX年XX月XX日 摘要 本住宅楼位于鞍山市沿街地段,为钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑面积约3500m2左右,主体结构共6层,层高2.8m,建筑功能完善,可满足用户要求。在建筑设计阶段,按照“适用、安全、美观”的原则设计建筑方案,毕业设计中建筑造型力求简洁、结合功能要求利用重复的韵律,体现建筑特色,整个建筑体形细节的处理风格也尽量统一、协调。依照建筑学基本理论和建筑构造的要求,确定出建筑方案,并依照建筑制图国家标准绘制了建筑施工图。在结构设计阶段,首先,根据建筑要求和结构要求确定出结构方案;然后,选取其中一榀框架进行手算,将二者做一个对比。在该设计过程中运用了CAD、天正软件等相关方面的内容;最后,依据结构制图国家标准绘制了结构施工图。 关键词:混凝土框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计 Abstract The residential building is located in the city street of Anshan, for the reinforced concrete frame structure, construction area of about 3500m2 around the main structure of a total of 6 layers, the layers of high-2.8m, Building perfect function to meet user requirements。In the construction design stage, in accordance with applicable safety, aesthetics, the principle of the design of the construction program, graduates seek to shape the design of simple construction, combined with the functional requirements of the use of rhythmic repetition, reflecting architectural features, details of the building shape as far as possible to deal with a unified style, coordination. In accordance with the basic theory of architecture and building construction requirements of the program to determine the construction and architectural drawing in accordance with national standards of building construction plans drawn. In the structure of the design phase, first of all, according to construction requirements and structural requirements to determine the structure of the program; and then, select one hand and investigated.one for application software for the whole structure of PKPM design, will make a comparison between them. In the design process using CAD and PKPM, it came as the contents related aspects of the software Finally, based on mapping the structure of the national standard mappingof the structure of working drawings. Keywords: concrete frame structure building design structural design 目录 1 绪论 1 2 建筑设计说明 2 2.1 工程概况 2 2.2 工程规模 2 2.3 构造设计 2 2.4 建筑功能设计 2 2.5 规范要求 3 2.6 设计参数 3 2.7 设计依据 3 3 工程概况 4 4 重力荷载计



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