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基于51单片机的旋转LED点阵显示屏设计与实现LED显示屏,它利用了视觉暂留原理,以51单片机为核心控制器件。LED模块安装在稳定旋转地载体上,静止时,各列发光二极管等间距排列。当显示模块随着旋转体速度的加快并最终稳定下来后,在程序精确的控制下,由于视觉暂留效应,人眼就能够看到显现出预设的文字,字符等。红外收发二极管的作用是,当接收二极管随旋转显示屏转到发射二极管,两者对接时完成信号收发,引起单片机外部中断,单片机控制程序初始化。 因装在电机上的控制电路始终在高速旋转,所以不方便使用电刷供电方法来给控制系统和显示模块供电。这里采用通过高频线圈耦合(等同于变压器初次线圈耦合)供电。次级线圈耦合得到的是交流电,还需通过整流二极管整流成直流电,供旋转模块使用。 关键词:视觉暂留,直流电机,无线耦合输电,红外触发 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ROTATION LED DOT MATRIX DISPLAY SCREEN BASED ON 51 MCU ABSTRACT The design is a rotating LED screen based on the C51 MCU controlling and the visual persistence principle. Installing 16 LED (light-emitting device) on a rotating steadily device, each row of light-emitting devices spacing are lined up, along with the rotation speed and finally stabilized in the control of the microcontroller program, accurate, continuous rotation shows the text, characters , etc ,which is designed in advance. The function of a infrared diode is that when the receiving diode with the display screen rotating to the emitting diode, the process of signal’s receiving and transmitting is completed. There will be a interrupt leading to SCM controllable display program being restored to its original state. Though the main controlling circuit on the motor is rotating at a high speed, it’s not convenient with the brush contact to supply power to control system and display module. It can be done by high-frequency coil coupling (just like the transformer primary coil coupling) to supply power. Though the current got by secondary coupling coil is alternating current, it need to be rectifier to be DC by a rectifier diode, used by rotary module. KEY WORDS: persistence of vision, DC motor, wireless transmission, infrared trigger 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 方案论证与选择 3 1.1系统总方案 3 1.1.1 主控制部分 3 1.1.2 通信模块 3 1.1.3 LED显示屏方案 4 1.2系统硬件方案 6 1.3系统软件方案 6 1.3.1 单片机编程语言 7 1.3.2 系统软件编译器选择 7 第2章 硬件系统设计 9 2.1 硬件整体设计概述及功能分析 9 2.2 控制单元设计 10 2.2.1 C51芯片的选择 10 2.2.2 STC89C51RC简介 11 2.2.3 控制系统设计 14 2.3 模块供电设计方案 15 2.3.1 高频振荡电路 15 2.3.2 稳压整流电路 1


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