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摘 要 随着不可再生能源的不断减少,人们越来越来重视对于可再生能源、清洁能源的开发和利用。人类对于风能、太阳能等能源的开发和利用已经越来越成熟,但要将这些能源很好的用于日常生活仍然有着一些需要解决的问题。如何将这些直流电转变成220V@50Hz的交流电正是我们需要解决的问题,同时将这些电能并入市电电网时还要考虑其对于市电电网的影响。本文研究的正是如何更好地实现逆变并网技术。 本文首先就逆变电路的原理以及并网的基本要求进行了阐述,同时还讲解了逆变电路的分类及其几种基本电路以及换流方式。接着通过对逆变电路的拓扑结构进行比较,通过对逆变电路几种拓扑结构优缺点的分析最后确定主电路选用全桥逆变,在驱动电路部分则选用了性能更优越的全控型器件IGBT。然后对逆变电路的控制方式进行比较选择,确定了用SPWM控制技术来控制触发电路以得到更好的正弦波形。在文章的第四部分对并网时环流产生的原因及解决方法进行了分析,基本解决了并网时环流对市电造成污染的情况。最后对逆变并网系统进行了仿真,通过MATLAB仿真基本实现了输出220V@50Hz波形的要求。 关键词:逆变电路;并网;SPWM;环流 Abstract With the continuous reduction of non-renewable energy sources, people increasingly come to attention for renewable energy, clean energy development and utilization. Human race as wind, solar and other energy development and utilization have become increasingly mature, but very good for these energy sources to daily life still has a number of problems to be solved. How these DC into AC 220V @ 50Hz is what we need to address the problem, while the electrical energy and electric power market when they consider the impact of the electricity grid. This study is how to better achieve inverter and network technology. This paper first inverter circuit and network theory and the basic requirements are described, and also explained the inverter circuit and Classification of several basic commutation mode. Then through the inverter circuit topology comparison, through the inverter circuit topology of the advantages and disadvantages of several finalize selection of full-bridge inverter main circuit, drive circuit part in the selection of the superior performance of full-controlled device IGBT. Inverter circuit and then compare the selected control mode determined by SPWM control technique to control the trigger circuit to get better sine wave. In the fourth part of the article when the circulation of the grid causes and solutions are analyzed, the basic solution of the grid when the circulation of electricity caused by pollution. Finally, the inverter and the network system is simulate


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