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Management Training管理人员培训 Warming-up Are there any management training sessions in your company? What do you think are people learning in this kind of training program? Words and Phrases 1 Every company needs a bunch of go-getters to make sure that orders from above will be dealt with in the shortest possible time. = Every company needs a large number of hardworking people to make sure that orders from above will be dealt with in the shortest possible time. 每个公司都需要一批不辞辛劳的员工,以确保上级领导的安排能在最短时间内完成。 2 The professor has developed an in-depth understanding of how human brain works. = The professor has had a clear picture of how human brain works. in-depth = deep 教授对人脑的运行机制已经有了深入的了解。 3 The financial crisis does not prevail only in Asia. Instead it becomes a worldwide phenomenon. = The financial crisis does not prevail only in Asia. Instead it becomes popular everywhere in the world. 金融危机不只出现在亚洲,而已经变为了一个全球现象。 4 Jason is not eligible for the MBA program, since he failed to take a GMAT exam. = Jason has no right to apply for the MBA program, since he didn’t take a GMAT exam. Jason不能报名读MBA,因为他还没参加过GMAT考试。 5 Everybody here is lucky to be participating this program, because you are hand-picked by our CEO as prospective managers for the coming years. = Everybody here is lucky to be participating this program, because you are selected in person by our CEO as prospective managers for the coming years. 能参加这个培训项目,在座的每个人都很幸运,因为你们是被CEO亲自挑中的,你们被视为公司未来几年的潜在经理人选。 6 You have nothing to be proud of here. Every student is the cream of the crop at Harvard. = You have nothing to be proud of here. Every student is outstanding at Harvard. 在这里你没有什么可得意的。哈佛的每个学生都是牛人! 7 You will have to equip yourself with all the skills of high difficulty before you can possibly win the competition. = You will have to master all the skills of high difficulty before you can possibly win the competition. 要想赢得比赛,你必须掌握所有高难度的技巧。 8 A good employee should get positive feedback from his peers and superiors. = A good employ


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