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Environmental and Transportation Policy on Emission Mitigation in Shanghai, China Chen Changhong, Huang Cheng, Li Li Atmospheric Environment Institute, SAES International Workshop for Interactive Analysis on Economy and Environment Tokyo, Japan 4 March, 2006 主要介绍内容 Contents 现状 Current Status 压力 Pressure 政策与效果 Policies and Benefits 结论 Conclusions Current Status 上海市地理位置 Location of Shanghai 上海市交通与环境概况 Transport and Environment Outline Area:6,340 km2 Population:18.4 M Population density: 2900 p/km2 GDP: 745 Billion RMB (appx. 94 Billion USD) Per capita GDP: 5000 USD 近15年的经济发展 Current Economics 城市居民生活水平 Trends of living quality, 1980-2004 能源消费状况 Energy Consumptions, 1990-2004 各部门能源消费比重 Share of Sector Energy Consumption 一次能源比重 Share of Primary Energy Consumption 能源流通图 Energy Flow, Shanghai 2002 经济发展与车辆增长 Economics vs. Vehicle population, 1952-2004 上海的机动化水平及进展(一) Motorization status in Shanghai, 1965-2003 上海的机动化水平及进展(二) Motorization status in Shanghai, 1965-2003 历年机动车增长情况 Vehicle Population Growth 环境空气质量状况 SO2 Annual concentration, 1990-2004 环境空气质量状况 TSP Annual concentration, 1990-2003 环境空气质量状况 NOx Annual concentration, 1990-2003 二氧化硫浓度与国际城市比较 Comparison of SO2 with other cities 可吸入颗粒物浓度与国际城市比较 Comparison of PM10 with other cities Pressures 经济发展与交通环境响应 Response of transport and environment along with economic growth 经济发展与车辆增长 Vehicle population growth vs. Economic dpt. 车行里程增长 Growth of future trip mileage, 2005-2020 车辆排放增长 Growth of emissions, 2006-2020 NOx和PM排放强度变化趋势 Trends of NOx PM Emission Intensity NOx污染趋势 Future NOx pollution levels PM污染趋势 Future PM pollution levels Policies and Benefits “十一五”和中长期交通环境政策 Transport and environment policies in future Hundred kilometers subways will be built Carburetor vehicles are banned in downtown roads since Feb 15, 2006 (/english/government/153765.htm) Euro III and Euro IV will be put into force in middle 2006, and 2009 Vehicle inspection and maintenance (IM) will be performed since 2006 交通出行方式的转变 Chan


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