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推荐酒店: 大连金石国际会议中心 Recommended Hotel: Dalian Golden Pebble International Convention Center 推荐理由: 大连金石国际会议中心位于大连金石滩国家旅游度假区的西部半岛,毗邻金石高尔夫球场和游艇俱乐部,距离试驾场地较近 每间客房经过精心设计及布置,房间内视野开阔,大海、群山及高尔夫球场可一览无遗,与本次活动的调性契合。 场地选择 Venue selection 项目安排 Arrangement Recommended reason: Golden Pebble International Conference Centre is located in Dalian Golden Pebble Beach national tourist resort on the western peninsula, adjacent to Golden Pebble golf course and yacht club, closer from launch field Each room has been designed and decorated, the room with wide vision, sea, mountains and golf causes can be see at a glance, gives an elegant, comfortable feeling, can enjoy the blossoms and the vastness of the sea surging ,fit the target customer preferences, fit the event tone. 推荐酒店:国家法官学院北京分院 Recommended Hotel: The National Judges College Beijing Branch. 推荐理由:Recommended reasons 位于雁栖湖东岸半岛之中,三面环水,群山绵亘,另有长城古迹于湖光山色中若隐若现 交通便利,距北京城区50 分钟,距首都机场约40分钟,距离投放场地较近 项目安排 Arrangement Located in Yanxi east coast peninsula water on three sides, rolling hills, while the Great Wall among the monuments. Transport facilities, the college is 50 minutes away from Beijing town, from Beijing Capital International Airport about 40 minutes closer from launch field. 项目执行 Project executive VIP客户接待: 针对VIP客户由经销商邀约,派豪华大巴到指定经销商处接试驾嘉宾,统一前往试驾场地,如有客户自驾前往需事先沟通;试驾完毕后,VIP客户自行安排回程。 媒体记者接待: 提前确认嘉宾到达时间及方式,机场、车站大巴全天接待,嘉宾行理统一编号便于管理; 入住签到时领取返程车(机)票,活动结束后为的媒体统一安排车辆送往。 VIP guests reception VIP customers are invited by the dealers and taken by luxury bus unity to the test driving venue, if required to drive by himself should inform in advance; after test drives, VIP customers return by themselves Journalists reception To confirm guests arrival time and manner in advance, the airport, bus station all day reception, guests’ luggage are gotten uniform numbers for management; when guests check in receive a return vehicle (plane) tickets, after the event arrange the vehicles to send the media. Thanks for your attention! * 一汽-大众北区CC上市试乘试驾活动整合


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