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中医养颜倒计时(国外英语资料) Experts interviewed Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital Director of orthopaedic skin laser center Zhang Yunsong Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua correspondent Hu Yingyi Again, the golden nine silver ten wedding season, this years Day is very special, in October 10th, in the year, month and day accounted for 3 10, so in October, the wedding was very lively. The wedding day is, of course, the brides most radiant woman. But office workers usually work pressure, irregular diet, stay up late work, dark circles, acne, large pores, rough skin problems are commonplace. In the wedding day, excellent, perfect. Skin experts said that before the wedding, the bride must focus on body conditioning, face, neck and hands, through the transferred external application, so skin looks clear, smooth and white. Endogenous diet, have a rosy complexion At the wedding, the brides skin can be blown open, tender and moving, this is not a point rouge rouge can achieve the effect. Director of the Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital plastic skin laser center Zhang Yunsong said, from a medical point of view, the skin is largely depends on the physical condition, so the transfer is very important, the following tips can be used in emergency skin. (1) eating protein Objective: the skin is shiny and elastic Protein is the life of skin cells, and beauty begins with protein. Zhang Yunsong said that the lack of protein, the skin becomes gaunt and dull, and the lack of collagen, the skin becomes dry and wrinkles, lose their elasticity and luster, so the bride must complement protein. Emergency measures: moderate consumption of fish, shrimp, milk, etc., can also be some peanut stewed pig, pig, chicken feet and other foods rich in collagen, if possible, may wish to eat birds nest, lock the skin moisture. (2) vitamin C and vitamin E supplementation; Objective: whitening and anti-aging Vitamin C whitening skin effect has long been an open secret recipe. Zhang Yunsong said, vitamin C has w


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