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Antibiotics Pharmaceutics Chen jiangli * * What are antibiotics? Antibiotics can be described as a substance produced by a microorganism that kills bacteria or slows their growth. * How do antibiotics work? Although there are a number of different types of antibiotic they all work in one of two ways: Kill the bacteria directly. Stop bacteria from multiplying. * By mouth By injection Applied directly to the affected part Only be taken under doctor’s instruction How to use antibiotics? * Are there any risks of using antibiotics? Yes, potential risks include: Side effects Allergic reaction Resistance to drugs * Side effects Each type of antibiotics has its specific side effects. Common symptoms include: Headache Nausea Vomiting Constipation or diarrhoea * Rash Itchiness Breathlessness * Allergic reactions * Resistance to drugs * FAQ: What are the differences between bacteria and virus? Reproduce independently Only reproduce inside living cells. They have different properties and may cause different disease. * FAQ: If I am having a common cold and the nasal discharge changes to yellow or green, do I need antibiotics? It is quite normal for the discharge to become thicker and change color during a common cold. It is unreliable to consider the treatment by the appearance of the discharge alone. Always verify the origin of the disease before prescribing antibiotics. * FAQ: If I have a fever, do I always need antibiotics? Fever is a common symptom for infections. It is not necessarily caused by bacterial infection. Therefore, listen to your doctor for the recommendation on the use of antibiotics. * Summary Antibiotics is effective for treating bacterial infections only. Antibiotics must be taken under doctors’ instruction. While taking antibiotics, personal hygiene must be strengthened. If feeling unwell after taking antibiotics, doctors must reconsider the diagnostics or change other type. * THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! *


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