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17 5 ( ( ) ; ) Vol. 17 No. 5 2010 9 Earth Science Frontiers ( China University of Geosciences( Beijing) ; eking University) Sep. 2010 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 郭兆成 , 周成虎 , 孙晓宇 , 张 俊 1 , 100101 2 , 100101 3 , 100193 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 Guo Zhaocheng , Zhou Chenghu , Sun Xiaoyu , Zhang Jun 1Institute of Geograp hic Sciences and N atural Resources Research, ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100101, China 2State Key Laboratory of Resources and nvironmental I nf ormation Systems, Beij ing 100101, China 3The Institute of Medicinal Plant Develop ment , ChineseA cademy of Medical Sciences, Beij ing 100193, China Guo Zhaocheng, Zhou Chenghu, Sun Xiaoyu, et al. The distribution of landslide triggered by Wenchuan earthquake and its causative factors. Earth Science Fr ontiers , 20 0, 7(5) : 234242 Abstract: Landslide triggered by Wenchuan earthquake w as interpreted based on multisource remote sensing data. A logistic regression model w as built betw een the landslide distribution and the control factors of the 2 landslide. The number of landslide area interpreted w as 5145, which covered a total area of 1139 km . By u sing spatial analysis technology, it is found that ( 1) there are two types of distribution patterns existing in the landslide, one is a linear distribution along seismogenic fault and another is clust erlike around epicenter of Wenchuan earthquake; that (2) in the and !degree seismic intensity zones, t here are 73.2% landslide area and in the other region w ith ∀ degree or Less seismic int ensity, there are few



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