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第43卷第2期 中国测试 Vol.43 No.2 2017年2月 CHINA MEASUREMENT TEST February,2017 doi院10.11857/j.issn.1674-5124.2017.02.016 基于磁导率检测技术的传感器设计研究 杨梅芳袁 任尚坤袁 赵珍燕 (南昌航空大学 无损检测技术教育部重点实验室,江西 南昌 330063) 摘 要院磁导率检测技术是一种依据磁导率的变化检测铁磁试件应力集中状态和疲劳损伤程度的无损检测方法袁可 实现对构件残余寿命的有效评价遥依据磁导率检测原理,针对棒状待检构件设计研制一高灵敏检测传感器袁考察检测 线圈绕线直径尧绕线线圈匝数尧激励电压对最佳检测频率和检测分辨率的影响遥 研究发现袁最佳激励频率随线径的增 加而减少袁信号分辨率随线径的增加而增加曰绕线匝数与激励最佳频率无关袁但与信号分辨率有关曰激励电压对最佳 频率的范围无影响袁但对信号分辨力有影响遥 该研究结论对研制高灵敏度的磁导率检测仪具有重要意义遥 关键词院无损检测技术曰磁导率检测技术曰检测传感器曰检测分辨率 文献标志码院A 文章编号院1674-5124渊2017冤02-0077-05 Design and research of sensor based on permeability testing technology YANG Meifang,REN Shangkun,ZHAO Zhenyan (Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of Ministry of Education,Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063,China) Abstract: Permeability testing technology is a kind of nondestructive testing method,which can test the stress concentration state and the degree of fatigue damage of ferromagnetic specimens based on the change of permeability,as well as realize the effective evaluation for the residual lifetime of the components. According to the principle of permeability measurement,a highly sensitive detection sensor was designed for the rod-shaped member. The influence of the diameter of detection coil and the number of turns and excitation voltage on optimum frequency and detection resolution was researched. It was found that the optimum frequency of excitation reduced with the increase in the coil diameter and the resolution of signal increased with coil diameter; The number of coil turns had nothing to do with the optimal frequenc


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