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河南地区生活饮用水中铅、镉 污染状况的调查与分析 宋笑颜 (2014届动物医学专升本1班) 摘要:随着现代工业的发展,重金属污染对生态环境和人类健康构成了严重的危害。为了调查与分析河南地区生活饮用水中铅、镉污染状况,本文对采集来自河南省豫东、豫西、豫南、豫北地区共100个样品,其中,豫东地区周口市11个,商丘市7个,开封市6个;豫西地区焦作市4个,平顶山市5个,三门峡市6个,洛阳市5个;豫南地区信阳市14个,许昌7个,驻马店市8个,南阳市8个;豫北地区濮阳市1个,新乡市6个,鹤壁市1个,郑州市6个,安阳市5个,采用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定其中的重金属元素铅和镉的含量。结果显示,在所测的100个水样中,有17个样品的铅含量超过了中华人民共和国卫生部《生活饮用水标准检验方法》中规定的值---10 ng/mL,超标率为17%(17/100),超标中最高的在洛阳市,高达40.05 ng/mL;超标中最低的在商丘市,达11.13 ng/mL;而所有样品中镉的含量均在我国关于《生活饮用水标准检验方法》中规定的金属指标值---5 ng/mL内。结果表明,在我省生活饮用水中铅污染的现象比较严重,应该引起相关部门的足够重视。 Determination of lead, cadmium in drinking water SONG Xiao-yan (Class of 2014 Animal Medicine Top-up 1 class) With the development of modern industry, heavy pollution constitutes a serious harm on the ecological and human health. in order to research and analysis lead, cadmium pollution in drinking water of the He Nan region, in this paper, the collection from the easter, western, southern and north regions of He Nan province, a total of 100 samples, among them, the eastern region:zhoukou city 11, shangiu city 7, kaifeng city 6; the western region, jiaozuo city 4, pingdingshan city 5, sanmenxia city 6, luoyang city 5; the southern region: xinyang ciy 14, xuchang city 7; zhumadian city 8; nanyang city 8; the northern region: puyang city 1, Xinxiang city 6, hebi city 1, zhengzhou city 6, anyang city 5, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for determining the content of the heavy metals lead and cadmium. according to the results of the 100 water samples, there are 17 samples of lead over the ministry of health of the Peoples Republic of China, the drinking water standard test methods specified in the metal index---10 ng/mL, which was 17% (17/100), the tallest in the city of luoyang, excessive up to 40.05 ng/mL; Standard of the lowest in shangqiu, up to 11.13 ng/mL; the content of cadmium in all samples are in our country about the drinking water standard test methods specified in the metal index --- 5 ng/mL. The results show that the le


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