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Lecture 1 The English Word “Red” and the Chinese “hong” 1. What is the most striking difference in cultural connotations between the English word “Red” and the Chinese “hong” ? the Chinese character “hong” is mainly used in a commendatory sense while the English word “Red” used in a derogatory sense. 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” a. hóng is symbolic of happiness or joyful occasions hóng is associated with weddings (贴红喜字,穿红装,红盖头,红蜡烛) In China, red (hóng) is the symbol of fire. It carries a largely positive connotation. 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” b. the symbol of revolution 红军 --the Red Army 红色革命根据地 --red revolutionary base 红领巾 --red scarf 红卫兵 --red guard 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” b. the symbol of revolution 五星红旗 --the Chinese national five-star red flag 红宝书 the Little Red Book” (a collection of quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung) 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” c. the symbol of communism or socialism 一颗红心 (the red heart?) --having socialist virtues; loyal to the Party 又红又专(red and expert?) --socialist-minded and professionally qualified 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” d. the symbol of fortune and luck 开门红 --to begin well; to make a good start 红双喜 --double happiness written in red 红红火火 --booming; thriving; prosperous 满堂红 --all-round victory; success in every field 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” d. the symbol of fortune and luck 红包 (red paper containing money as a gift; red packet) 红对联 (antithetical couplet written on scrolls, etc.; a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet) 2. Cultural connotations of the Chinese character “hong” d. the symbol of power and influence 朱门 (vermilion gates, red-lacquered doors of wealthy homes ) 朱衣 (red clothes worn by em


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