中山陵 英文版.ppt

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中山陵 英文版

DR. SUN YATSEN’S MAUSOLEUM 朱天宇 徐敏 魏悦 霍冬梅 Team members Dr. Sun Yatsen Location: on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum : 3 years Dr. Sun Yatsen:forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution Birthplace and education: Guangdong province Social environment: the corruptions and incompetence of the government foreign invasions and peasant rebellions Social activities: eg. Revive China Society Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum Designer: Lu Yanzhi the chief architect and engineer for the project Shape: liberty bell north-south axis Style: an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style Layout: harmonious and rational Major sections: 5 * * a octagonal stone platform On the top stands a copper ding weighing 5000 kilogram. 4.25 meters high diameter is 1.23 meters. presented by Mr.DaiJitao XiaoJingDing 5 12 metres high . opposite side of the “ding”, memorial archway with four columns. archway built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters hight and 17.3 meters in width. Boai Fang MuDao * Through fraternity archway, a 480 meters long avenue to the mausoleum. The world belongs to the people . * Main entrance tower A huge tomb stone engraved with Premier Dr. Sun is buried here by the Chinese Kuomintang on June 1, 1929. * Tablet Pavilion 9 In front of the memorial hall and the coffin chamber. major parts of the mausoleum. of the people by the people for the people * Memorial Hall the Italian white marble statue of Dr. Sun . the surrounding walls. Center:sitting statue Main color:black red blue 12 stone columns * The tomb Behind the memorial hall is the coffin chamber Diameter 18 meters,11 meters hight Dr. Sun’s reclining marble statue * Memorial Hall Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault. Standing by the side of the po


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